This article covers the some of the basics of computer networks.It provides a great insight of ethernet technology.It shows the development of ethernet technology by explaining the various types of ethernet technologies,its features and functionalities.
Wide Area Networks
- Also called long haul networks.
- Covers large geographical area.
eg:Continents. - Speed ranges from 1.5 Mbps to 155 Mbps.
- Greater delay between connections.
- Network contains series of complex computers called packet switches.
Local Area Networks
- Covers small area.
eg:office,buildings etc. - Faster then WAN.Speed ranges from 10Mbps to 2Gbps.
- Small delay few tenth of a millisecond to 10ms.
- Each device connected to a LAN consists of NIC( network interface card ).
Network Hardware Addresses
- Every computer attached to a computer assigned a unique address.
- Each packet sent across a network contains a destination field address that contains the address of the receipient.
- The destination address occurs in same location in all packets.
- Each hardware technology specifies how address are assigned to computers.
Ethernet Technology
- Ethernet is the name given to the popular packet switched LAN technology invented at Xerox PARC at 1970s.
- Xerox Corporation,Intel Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation standardised Ethernet in 1978;IEEE released a compatible version of standard using the standard number 802.3
- Formally known as 10base5
- It is the most popular and original wiring scheme not used but its variants are used now.But it provide the base for study.
- Original ethernet uses coaxial cable
- The coaxial cable is called the ether and hence the name ethernet.
- The connection between a computer and the ether requires hardware device called a transceiver.
- Transceiver cable enters the ether through a small hole which the technicians refer to as tap.
- Ethernet uses two major components:
Transceiver which connects to the centre wire or braided shield of the cable sensing and sending signals to ether.
A host interface card or host adapter plugs into the computer bus.
Attachment Unit Interface(AUI) cable connects cable to an adapter board in a host computer informally called transceiver cable and it contains many wires which carries the electrical power to opearte the tranceiver and signals that control the transceiver. - Transceiver is costly.
- Transceiver is present in cable so it is difficult to install.
- Coaxial cable used is difficult to bend
- AUI cable is also difficult to bend.
Thin-wire ethernet
- It overcomes all disadvantages of conventional ethernet.
- It is formally called 10base2
- Coaxial cable used is thinner,flexible and less expensive.
- It is also called thinnet.
- Here the transceivers are replaced by special high speed digital circuits and provide direct connection from a computer to the network.
- Thus a computer contains both the host interface and the circuitory that connects to the cable.
- It uses BNC connectors which does not require tools to attach computer to cable.
- It does not provide protection against interference.
- It covers somewhat shorter distances so the network could include only fewer computers.
- If a user disconnects from network all other computers are affected.
- The coaxial cable used in these ethernets does not require shielding.In this we use unshielded conventional copper wire.
- User disconnect problem not there.
- It is formally called 10baseT.
- A set of 8 wires(4 pairs) is used to conect computer to a hub.
- Hub is an electronic device that stimulates signals on ethernet cable.
- Physically hub consists of a small box that usually resides in a wiring closet.
- A connection between a hub and a computer must be less than 100m long.
Twisted pair ethernet
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