
php paypal Integration

Here is the code that would help you to implement paypal in your php website.It is a simple code that you could use in your site and make a paypal run shopping cart easily. [...]

Cool buttons with gradients using simple css

Here in this post I am going to explain you how to create cool buttons using just css/html (no photoshop needed whatsoever).To implement it please copy the below css to your style sheet and add 'button color-name' to the class attribute of the <a>(link) tag where color-name maybe pink,blue,orange etc. [...]

Pagination using Zend_Paginator

Any web application that retrieves large amounts of data for display is bound to have the need to split that data over several pages. Developing the code to do this from scratch is not trivial, so it is extremely useful that the Zend Framework has the Zend_Paginator module, which assists with this task. [...]

Simple validation functions using php and regex

In this post I provide you with php functions that validates username,password,first name,lastname and email.name_validate() is used to validate first name and last name,email_validate() to validate email,username_validate() to validate username and password_validate() to validate password. [...]

Easy to use php captcha

Here I am posting code of an easy to use and customizable php captcha code.You can change the font and number of characters easily by changing to lines of code.If you want to change the color you can also do that.Here is the code. [...]

Dynamically change the blogger title according to post

In this post i will explain how to edit html of your blogger blog so that the title of your blog changes dynamically depending on your post title.That is the blog title would be same as the heading of the post. [...]

Simple pagination script in php

Here is a simple php code to show pagination in your website.We just have to include the class file and call the methods in the class to implement the pagination.Implementation is shown below. [...]